Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Blog: October 2013

26th October 

Today was a special day for Rafael and us ;-) 

Day Oncology is closed on the weekend and we had to go to the ward. They usually keep us in a treatment room, which is not very comfortable. But thankfully today they had a spare room. By the time the cross match was done and Rafael's port was accessed, we needed a good seat/lounge/bed ;-)

Matt Le Nevez wanted to visit Rafael before he went back to the USA. I mentioned that we'd be at RCH all day and he came in for a visit!!!!!

OMG - how amazing is he?? He bought Rafa a Melbourne Victory t-shirt and mini soccer ball and stayed an 1 1/2 in the room with us!! We talked about acting and Hollywood and Neuroblastoma and treatments and time just flew!!

Usually when Rafael has a blood transfusion, he has 1 set of observations (blood pressure, temp, pulse etc) just after it starts and 1 before it ends. Well - today, his room was a non stop revolving door - I think the nurses were taking it in turn to come and see that "Dr Patrick" really was alive!!! I think they did obs every 1/2 hr ;-) xxx

25th October 

Dom drove Rafael to school this morning and when they got there, Rafael said "I think I need a blood transfusion"!! Dom said he did look tired and pale :-(

I picked him up early and we went to Werribee hospital for them to do a blood test.

About 2 hours later I called RCH to let them know and the result was back, Hb = 72 - blood transfusion tomorrow :-(

This is not the first time that Rafael has been spot on with his body's needs. It really surprises me :-)

23rd October

Rafael had a check up and meeting with Dr Michael today.

He was very happy with Rafael's progress and lack of pain :-) I am still using the stroller to wheel Rafael around the hospital as he's not strong enough to walk long distances.

Dr Michael wasn't happy when I told him about stopping the antibiotics, so next cycle he'll be on it again :-(

Michael presented Rafael's case to the neuroblastoma conference in Paris. He did not give us all of the replies, but the consensus was "Yes, this is a very difficult case"!!!

One of the Dr's, Ruth Laderstein from Austria caught up with Michael later, after she'd thought about Rafael's situation and suggested that maybe trying a haply identical stem cell transplant might be an option.

This is something we had already discussed with Michael. Now it's back on the table ;-)

Rafael's haemoglobin is holding up at 87 :-)

18th October

Last day :-)

The traffic was a nightmare getting in and Rafael kept asking me to turn the air con higher. As soon as I parked the car, he started vomiting in the back :-( Yes, we have sick bags in the car – but they were in the boot!!!

After that he only felt like eating a strawberry chuppa chup – nothing else all day :-(

Day Oncology was crazy busy and we couldn’t even get a seat with a TV :-( So Rafael just watched a movie on his iPad. It was very noisy and loud today!

We had our first visitor for the week :-) A Brazilian girl we hadn’t met, but who knew about Rafa through another friend came in :-) She made some Brazilian sweetes for Rafa too :-) As it turns out, it really is a small world as my sister in law was her teacher at University in Brasilia!!

17th October

Rafael has to take so many medications and the timing between each is very specific.

The week has gone to plan, so far ;-)

Wake him up at 8am
Give 2 x Oxycodone tablets.
Oral antibiotic that he hates the taste of! (Crushed up with grape juice)
Wait 2 hours, and then give 4 x oral chemo.
Wait 1 hour before food or IV chemo can commence.
Oral antibiotic that he hates the taste of (again!!)
1 x oxycodone

Rafael has been eating a banana for breakfast as Dr Michael said his potassium was a little low.

Today when I gave him the “oral antibiotic that he hates the taste of” he vomited straight away :-( All over my bed and the carpet :-( Mushed banana  - joy!!

I noticed that the 2 oxycodone’s had come up too so I called the oncology pharmacy to find out if I could give it again. As they are slow release, it’s too hard to know how much dose he’d already gotten, so we agreed not to repeat the tablets.

I hope that Rafael doesn’t get any breakthrough pain today :-( Have taken the oral oxycodone with me today just in case.

I mentioned to nurse Theresa about his vomiting and how much he hates the taste. She didn’t know he was taking this medicine and she couldn’t understand why?? She said to leave it with her and she’d speak to pharmacy.

This medicine is a prophylactic to prevent diarrhoea that can be caused by Irinotecan. Since Rafael hasn’t had any with either of the rounds, they said we could stop giving it to him for now and just keep and eye on him.

He also takes another medicine in between chemo rounds to stop him getting constipated from the Oxycodone – which he also hates the taste of!

We’ll need to start him on that one now, since he’s stopped the other – argh!!

16th October

Day 3 – all good :-) Except that Lela still has her cold :-( I asked Nanna to come over and watch her whilst we were at the hospital - more fun for her!

15th October

I hit the ground running today when I landed into Melbourne – thank God for coffee!!

The flight was 15 hours, I was home by 10:30 am, showered, changed and out the door with Rafael again by 11:30 am!!!

All went smoothly and we were in and out in about 1 ½ hrs :-)

I even managed to have a sleep when I got home at 2:30 pm :-)

14th October

Round 3 is a go! Dom had to put the “Project Manager” hat on today as I am in LA ;-)

Unfortunately, Gabriela woke up with a head cold and couldn’t go to school, so he took her into the hospital with him.

First they had to do the usual finger prick blood test and then wait an hour to find out if the counts were high enough to start.

Once the Dr agreed, then Rafael needed to take the oral chemo – Temozolamide, which has to be at least 1 hour before the IV chemo – Irintotecan.

During that gap, the nurse accessed Rafael’s port and after 1 hour – he could finally eat, as he’d had nothing since breakfast :-(

10th October

Once again, we did the cross match for the blood yesterday afternoon as it saves us time today :-)

I was so tired :-( Thankfully we managed to get one of the quiet rooms with a bed and I even had a quick 10 minute power nap ;-)

9th October

Rafael and the pugs featured in the South Gippsland newspaper today ;-)

Blood test and clinic again today at RCH.

For the first time ever, Rafael has cracked the 21 kg mark :-) Exactly 21 kg today ;-) 

I thought that Rafa’s counts would be ok, but no, they were very low :-(

Another blood transfusion tomorrow :-(

Dr Michael is heading off to the SIOPEN conference next week. Rafael is due to start round 3 of chemo on Monday, but if his counts are still low (especially platelets) then we’ll have to wait another week :-(

They will check his counts on Monday morning and the resident Dr will make a decision. 

We asked Dr Michael to delay this round of chemo by 1 week (28 days instead of 21) so that Rafael could go to school last week, and also so that the following 21-day cycles don’t interfere with other school events he has this term ;-)

8th October

Flew up to Sydney today to officially celebrate my 20 years of service :-)

7th October

Rafael and Gabriela are both back at school today :-) Happy to be seeing their friends again :-)

2nd October

The article was published in today’s Herald Sun :-)