Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Protocol's for visiting Rafael

In brief and to the point -

* All visitors (children included) please wash and dry your hands when you arrive

* Adults/children with colds/flu (or any other infectious disease), please wait until you are better before visiting

* If your child becomes sick or has a rash in the days after visiting Rafael, please LET US KNOW (it is not a problem, we just need to know), as all the immunisations he has had since birth are now null and he can contact things like chicken pox, mumps, measles quite easily.

* Please don't plan to stay for a long time, if things are going well and he is happy, we will let you know that you are welcome to stay longer.

Thank you for your understanding

Tasha, Domingos, Gabriela e RAFAEL

1 comment:

  1. Oi familia linda, passei para dizer ola...E com muita energia positiva para vcs.Beijos
